AKIMA Negotiations Update for July 2014

AKIMA LOGMET Contract Negotiation Team
Joe Gould, Mark Mishler, Eugene Jemison, Derek Blackburn and Vince Coston
Local 24 and AKIMA met July 22-25 for Contract Negotiations. Eugene Jemison, the union’s spokesperson on the team, reported that things went as well as expected .
“We did get a lot of non-economic issues resolved, and a lot of our proposals were approved. A lot of the process is cleaning up language and updating information, like updating references to new regulations and manuals. We do have one major hiccup to overcome before we start discussing economics. We want to get our job descriptions added to the CBA.”
“We will continue to work hard to get this done in a timely manner. Your negotiation team thanks you for your support.”
Negotiations are scheduled to resume on August 11-15.