The last day of the five-day course at the Winpisinger Center is done. Certificates were awarded to all the members of the Bargaining Committee who were able to attend and complete the course this year. The Bargaining Committee spent many long hours developing proposals designed to address your interests and we look forward to representing all of us in the Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations with Amentum and T-Square. We hope you followed our progress throughout the five days and were able to learn about how the Bargaining Committee will represent you later this year.
Here is the list of attendees, who make up over 80% of your Bargaining Committee.
Kevin Burch. Rotary Wing Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Jim Burroughs. Recording Secretary, Local Lodge 24.
Chris Carr. Executive Airlift Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Mark Duval. Business Representative, District 4.
Jake Gillam. Executive Airlift Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Gary Knight. Vice-President, Local Lodge 24.
Curtis Marshall. Rotary Wing (Pilots) Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Calvin McCray. Rotary WIng Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Al Nuzzo. Rotary Wing Chief Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Joe Paneck. President, Local Lodge 24.
Rob Underwood. T-Square Steward, Local Lodge 24.
Thank you, Brothers and SIsters, for your trust and confidence in allowing us to be your voice at the bargaining table.
In solidarity,
Joe Paneck,
President, IAM Local Lodge 24