Salutations, fellow Brothers and Sisters of the IAMAW Local Lodge 24!

It’s 7:22 PM at the IAMAW Headquarters in Upper Marlboro, MD. Your contract bargaining committee is still hard at work evaluating economic proposals. Since 7:30 this morning, we continued to engage with the Amentum Team as both teams presented proposals and counters. Sometimes it takes several passes before an agreement is reached. More often than not, common ground is found. However, there are some hard walls where one side or the other is not willing to budge, so negotiations have become more difficult with a few impasses. We are still fighting strong for our members! We plan on bargaining on more economic issues that require compromise so we will meet again tomorrow at 9:00 AM. Please check back again tomorrow for a new update!

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck and your negotiating team

President, IAMAW Local Lodge 24