Your Union Meetings
Happy New Year!
From everyone at IAM&AW Local Lodge 24; Have a happy, safe and prosperous 2017!
Happy Holidays From Local 24
Looks like Santa has a wing anti-ice problem but we’re sure he will still make it through…Have a Happy and Safe Holiday Season !
December Union Meeting
Happy Thanksgiving!
Union-Made in America Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Did you know that your cranberry sauce might have been made by fellow IAM members? Check out the link below for a Union made Thanksgiving and help support your fellow union brothers and sisters. “As you prepare to head to the grocery store to pick up your Thanksgiving dinner ingredients, double check your shopping list to make sure your Turkey Day fixin’s are all union made in America.” Union-Made in America Thanksgiving
Virginians Vote No on Anti Union Amendment
Voters in Virginia voted overwhelmingly against the anti union, anti worker Amendment 1. The proposed amendment was an attempt to enshrine part of Virginia’s existing right to work law in the state constitution. Amendment 1 was designed by big business to silence the voices of hardworking Virginians.
Important Information for Virginia Voters
Virginia Vote No on 1
Tuesday voters in Virginia will have the opportunity to vote on putting so called “right to work” in our state constitution. Virginia is already a “right to work” for less state.
As you can see this isn’t just a slogan Union workers make more than nonunion workers.
Proposed Amendments 2016
Virginia Department of Elections > Election Law > Proposed Amendments 2016
Proposed Constitutional Amendments to be voted on at the November 8, 2016 Election
Article I. Bill of Rights. Section 11-A. Right to work.
- Ballot Question
Question: Should Article I of the Constitution of Virginia be amended to prohibit any agreement or combination between an employer and a labor union or labor organization whereby (i) nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, (ii) membership to the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or (iii) the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any such enterprise?
Present Law
Currently, Virginia’s right to work law, § 40.1-59 of the Code of Virginia, provides that any agreement or combination between an employer and a labor union or labor organization whereby (i) nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, (ii) membership in the union or organization is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or (iii) the union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any such enterprise is against public policy and illegal. This has been the law and the declared public policy of the Commonwealth since 1947.
Proposed Amendment
The proposed amendment places the provisions of Virginia’s right to work law into the Constitution of Virginia. While Virginia law may be amended by any future General Assembly, a constitutional prohibition can only be changed by a future constitutional amendment approved by the voters.
Full Text of Amendment
Amend Article I of the Constitution of Virginia by adding a section numbered 11-A as follows: (Proposed new language is underlined.)
Article I. Bill of Rights. Section 11-A. Right to work.
Any agreement or combination between any employer and any labor union or labor organization whereby nonmembers of the union or organization are denied the right to work for the employer, or whereby such membership is made a condition of employment or continuation of employment by such employer, or whereby any such union or organization acquires an employment monopoly in any enterprise, is against public policy and constitutes an illegal combination or conspiracy and is void.