A final hello from Hollywood, Maryland to our Brothers and Sisters of Local Lodge 24!

The last day of the five-day course at the Winpisinger Center is done. Certificates were awarded to all the members of the Bargaining Committee who were able to attend and complete the course this year. The Bargaining Committee spent many long hours developing proposals designed to address your interests and we look forward to representing all of us in the Collective Bargaining Agreement Negotiations with Amentum and T-Square. We hope you followed our progress throughout the five days and were able to learn about how the Bargaining Committee will represent you later this year.

Here is the list of attendees, who make up over 80% of your Bargaining Committee.

Kevin Burch.          Rotary Wing Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Jim Burroughs.      Recording Secretary, Local Lodge 24.

Chris Carr.             Executive Airlift Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Mark Duval.           Business Representative, District 4.

Jake Gillam.          Executive Airlift Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Gary Knight.          Vice-President, Local Lodge 24.

Curtis Marshall.     Rotary Wing (Pilots) Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Calvin McCray.      Rotary WIng Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Al Nuzzo.              Rotary Wing Chief Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Joe Paneck.          President, Local Lodge 24.

Rob Underwood.   T-Square Steward, Local Lodge 24.

Thank you, Brothers and SIsters, for your trust and confidence in allowing us to be your voice at the bargaining table.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck,

President, IAM Local Lodge 24

Greetings, Local Lodge 24 Brothers and Sisters, from rain-swept Hollywood, Maryland! 

Day 4 of the five-day course at the Winpisinger Center is in the books. If you’ve followed along on our journey, you can probably guess that today was all about what to expect during the actual negotiations as well as how to present our union’s requests to the company. We are truly excited to represent all of you during the upcoming negotiations. The majority of the day (8 hours) was spent crafting and presenting proposals and where appropriate, counter proposals.

We look forward to concluding our class tomorrow. Check back once more tomorrow when we will share our wrap-up of the class.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck,

President, IAM Local Lodge 24

Maryland DC Council meeting!

Hey everyone, this April the 13th we will be having a Council meeting at union HQ! It will begin at 9am and go until everyone is done! Several maryland politicians will be speaking as well as most of our union leadership! Our turnout in the past has been lacking and we need to turn this around. There will be a BBQ on site, brisket, burgers and hotdogs. This is a great opportunity for our old guard as well as newer hires!

Anyone interested in attending reach out to your steward or higher. The more the merrier folks!

Good evening, Local Lodge 24 Brothers and Sisters! 

It is Day 3 of the five-day course at the Winpisinger Center. We are still at work (1945 hours) diligently preparing the proposals concerning items you informed us was important to you to present to the company. Today, we learned about the language to use in the proposals. We also prepared a Bargaining Survival Guide which will clarify what happens during Negotiating. We plan on sharing these guides with all the brothers and sisters who wish to know about the process.  Please check back with us tomorrow for a Day 4 update.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck,

President, IAM Local Lodge 24

Greetings, Local Lodge 24 Brothers and Sisters! 

Day 2 of the five day course at the Winpisinger Center is in the books. Today, we learned through the surveys you completed about what is important to the members of our Local Lodge. We incorporated your ideas into our Strategic Implementation Plan. We also received insight on Contract Law and how to present proposals by two wonderful and highly motivated instructors. The Contract Bargaining Committee agrees the knowledge we gained today is essential in our preparation for the upcoming negotiations. Please check back with us tomorrow for a Day 3 update.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck,

President, IAM Local Lodge 24

A message from our negotiating Team!

Good evening Local Lodge 24 Brothers and Sisters! 

Your IAM Local Lodge 24 Collective Bargaining Unit completed Day 1 of a five day course at the Winpisinger Center today. The course is designed to equip the Bargaining Unit Committee with the tools necessary to complete a Collective Bargaining Agreement our local lodge will be proud to take ownership of. Team Dynamics and Strategic Planning were the main focuses of the day’s classes. Check back with us tomorrow for a Day 2 update.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck,

President, IAM Local Lodge 24

We have a Facebook page!

Did you know? Now you do! LL24 has a facebook page that we will be using to keep informed on the upcoming negotiations starting on May 20th. Amentum wants to do Executive Airlift, 1st Heli and Pilots contracts all at once and the team will be keeping everyone in the loop on the FB page. Reach out to your leadership to get an invite or just click on the following link to join!

IAMAW Local Lodge 24 Joint Base Andrews:

