IAMAW Local Lodge 24 has a large number of veterans and we would like to thank each and everyone of you for your service to this country. We would also like to thank those who continue to support and defend us both at home and abroad.
Negotiating Committees Selected
Akima Logistics and Dyncorp ASD negotiating committees have been selected and both recently attended the IAM Negotiation class held at the District 4 offices. The committees have developed timetables and begun strategic planning for 2020 CBA negotiations with their respective companies.
Ron Alexander ISO Dock
Brother Alexander passed recently and we would like to send our thoughts and prayers to his family and friends. He will be missed.
Thank you to Local 24
In the event of the passing of a loved one please let your steward know so that we can express our condolences properly.
Brother Eugene Jemison’s father passed and flowers were sent along with a card. Brother Jemison wanted to make sure the membership was thanked for the gesture.
Tim Hanson Memorial *updated information*
It is with a heavy heart that we write to tell you all of the passing of Tim Hanson. Tim was stalwart defender of the local and its members. Brother Kent Heck sent this and I can think of no better words:
“Tim Hanson, Chief Steward, Coworker, a friend that would give you the shirt off his back. An outer shell hard as titanium, his insides soft warm and giving, a side of him many never saw, but I have. Many will never know how hard he fought for all of the brothers and sisters of our local 24, he truly was a Fighting Machinist!”
Tim was laid to rest at Cheltonham Veterans cemetery on Sept. 12th at 1pm. Rest in peace Tim, you will be missed.
New Location for Meetings
Brothers and Sisters, after careful deliberation and subsequent vote by the membership at the monthly meeting the Executive board is proud to announce that a new meeting location has been secured for our monthly meetings!
We will now be meeting at the IAM&AW international headquarters building located at:
9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
July Meeting Canceled
Due to the heavy flight schedule a majority of the E-Board and members will be unable to attend this month’s meeting. The E-board has made the decision to cancel the meeting.
Anyone with issues or questions please contact your shop steward.
Gun raffle for Guide Dogs of America
Here is the link to the raffle videos done at Custom Defense. Good Luck All!
Guy Hall Memorial Brick Laying Ceremony
Friends, Family, and members of the E-Board Attended the laying of Guy Hall’s memorial brick at the IAM&AW International Headquaters
Local 24 Food Drive Completed!
Local 24 is planning on being involved in more community outreach activities throughout the year. If you have ideas or want to be involved, talk to your shop steward or contact the E-Board at iamawlocal24@gmail.com