Author Archives: Paul Hopper

Your Election nominees/candidates for Local 24 Elections on 21 December 2024…

President : Joe Paneck (unopposed)

Vice President : Gary Knight (unopposed)

Recording Treasurer : Kelly Macken (unopposed)

Recording Secretary : Jim Burroughs (Unopposed)

Communicator : Paul Hopper (Unopposed)

Inside Sentinel : Derek Blackburn (Unopposed)

Trustees : Jake Gilliam, Eugene Jemison, Ron Everett, Nate Boyd (4 nominees for three positions)

Chief Steward, Executive Airlift : Jake Gilliam (Unopposed)

Chief Steward, Rotary Wing : Al Nuzzo (Unopposed)

Chief Steward, Akima : Vince Coston (Unopposed)

District 4 Delegate : Joe Paneck, Brandy Nobbs (2 nominees for one position)

MD/DC State Counsel Delegate : Derek Blackburn, Nate Boyd, Vince Coston, Kevin
Burch, Al Nuzzo. (5 nominees for 5 positions)

MD State Federation AFL-CIO Delegate : Joe Paneck, Jake Gilliam, Al Nuzzo, Kevin Burch. (4 nominees for 3 positions)

Executive Airlift Stewards : Ron Everett, Chris Carr, Nate Boyd, Joe Ostrelich. (4 nominees for 6 positions)

Transient Alert Stewards : Brandy Nobbs. (1 nominee for 2 positions)

Rotary Wing Stewards : Calvin McCray, Kevin Burch. (2 nominees for 3 positions)

Akima Fuels Stewards : Joe Gould, Eric Waybright, Clayton Harley. (3 nominees for 3 positions)

Akima Supply Stewards : Eugene Jemison (1 nominee for 2 positions)

Tech Systems Steward : Robert Edwards (1 nominee for 1 position)

Amentum Hangar 14 Steward : No Nominations (0 nominee for 1 position)

M-7 Steward : No Nominations (0 nominee for 1 position)

Rotary Wing Chief Steward Pilots : No Nominations (0 nominee for 1 position)

Back in October I posted a whole block of information about election day, I’m going to recap a bit of it here as a reminder.

Whats been accomplished : Secretary notified by mail all members using last known date/time place of nominations and elections. Deadline has passed for absentee ballot requests. Nominations for all positions were held on the November monthly meeting. All nominations have been verified eligible.

What happens next : Union Secretary is finalizing the look and layout of the Ballot. December 21st, election day. Ballots will be open at the Union hall from 0700 to 1900hrs.

Upcoming Nominations for all Union positions reminder!

December is election month for all union positions and next weekend, November 16th 9:30am at the Union meeting we will be accepting nominations those positions. Be there to nominate yourself or have someone nominate you.

Note : If someone is nominating you, they will need a letter of intent from you at the time of nomination giving them permission to put your name forth. See your nearest steward for particulars for the letter if you won’t be at the meeting, but lets be honest here.. its just easier to show up at the meeting, eat some donuts and enjoy good company and nominate yourself, yea?

See the post below this one for all the particulars of the December Election.

Union Election Information

Its Union Election season everyone, here are all the fine points on how this will work out over the next few months. All steps of this process will take place at our union hall, address : 9000 Machinists Place, Upper Marlboro, MD 20772.

                . October 1st the recording secretary will notify all members by mail, using last known address, the time/date/place nominations and election will take place.

                . November 16th Nominations for positions will be accepted at the monthly union meeting.

                . Eligibility for nomination is inherent on the nominated individual being present at 50% of the regular meetings.

                . December 21st Election day. The polls will be open from 0700-1900hrs at the union hall.

                . Union Secretary will prepare and make available a suitable ballot.

Absentee Ballot Information :

                . From IAMAW Constitution, Article 2, Pages 6 and 7: Any member entitled to receive an absentee ballot shall make written request therefore to the recording secretary of the local lodge by delivering in person or mailing such a request to be received by the recording secretary not later than 15 days before the election. Within 5 business days after receipt of any such request, or receipt of printed ballots, whichever is later, the recording secretary shall mail the ballot if the records of the local lodge indicate the applicant is eligible to vote in the election. Members found not to be eligible to vote by absentee ballot will be so notified within 5 business days or receipt of their application.

                . Absentee ballots requested by email will not be honored.

                . Recording Secretary will make the 25mile determination using google maps using current on file mailing address for the requestee and the designated polling place

Qualifications for absentee ballot :

                . You live more than 25 miles from the polling place

                . You are at work during the times of polling, 0700-1900hrs

                . Member who is either confined because of illness or injury, or on leave qualifying under U.S. and Canadian family leave laws

                . Working members on vacation, retirees more than 25 miles away from their residence on election day, or on official I.A.M. business approved by the Local Lodge, District Lodge, or Grand Lodge or on an employer travel assignment

                . Member on reserve military leave

See you all at the monthly meeting, o/

Boot deadline Reminder

August 31st is the deadline for ordering boots for the year. If you haven’t made your yearly purchase yet, get them and get a receipt turned in for reimbursement. Not sure if you already have done this? Steps:

1, log in to costpoint and click the little house icon under the search bar, see following image:

2, far right side, check expense reports. If you see the boots there, you already got your boots for the year.

New CBA’s Available!

CBA Executive Airlift / Back Shop Support Sept 1 2024 to Aug 31 2027

CBA 1st Heli Mechanics Sept 1 2024 to Aug 31 2027

CBA 1st Heli FCF Pilots Sept 1 2024 to Aug 31 2027

Winpisinger Center Virtual Training!

Virtual Training availability at The Winpisinger Center!


Parliamentary Procedure for IAM Members and Leaders. Reviews the rules of order that make it possible to get Local Lodge meeting business completed in an organized and fair way.

Second Education Circle. (click for more information)

Microsoft Word Training. Word trainings will cover creating automatic populating tables of contents, headers and footers, page numbers and more.

Microsoft Excel Training. Excel trainings will cover the very basics of Excel, focusing on those who have little to no working knowledge of the program.


Steward Rights and Responsibilities. Provides an overview of the steward’s role in the union.


Just Cause. Just cause is the standard that management must adhere to when disciplining or discharging an employee.


Just Cause. Just cause is the standard that management must adhere to when disciplining or discharging an employee.