Greetings, fellow Brothers and Sisters of the IAMAW Local Lodge 24!

Your Union Representatives wrapped up the Contract Bargaining Agreement (CBA) negotiations with our Amentum counterparts today. Nearly 50 hours were spent over four days with proposals and counter proposals criss-crossing the room. Each side sought language they could agree upon and as common ground was found, proposals were tentatively agreed upon. Finally, the big three economic proposals remained: wages, pension, and retirement. After several passes by both sides your negotiation team reached resolution with Amentum. Your team was proud to partake in many thought provoking conversations and enthusiastically carried the torch for you, the IAM Local 24 member! We believe you will be equally proud of your team, who achieved a result unparalleled in the recent past. 

Complete details of the CBA will be shared with you prior to the ratification dates of 3 and 4 June 2024. Tomorrow, Joe Paneck, Gary Knight, and Jim Burroughs will meet at the Grand Lodge to put together a fact sheet comparing details of the new CBA with the current CBA. We will post that tomorrow afternoon/evening so you can check it out! The remainder of the team will meet with us via Teams at 8:00 Friday morning to make sure we captured all the details for you to be able to examine. The members of the team share with me our satisfaction with the CBA and we all recommend ratification.

A special thanks to all the members of the negotiating team, you, our union member, and to our Business Representatives from District 4 of the IAMAW who helped secure this CBA.

In solidarity,

Joe Paneck and your negotiating team

President, IAMAW Local Lodge 24